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Common Cat Care Mistakes

October 17, 2022
Kitties are without a doubt one of the easiest pets to own. Fluffy cleans herself, spends most of her time sleeping, and doesn’t need to be walked or trained. However, our feline friends do still need proper care to thrive. A Carrollton, GA vet lists some common cat care mistakes in this article from All About Animals Veterinary Services, serving the Villa Rica, GA, area.

Lack Of Veterinary Care

Proper veterinary care is absolutely crucial to Fluffy’s health. Preventative care can protect your kitty from dangerous—and potentially deadly—viruses and parasites. Regular exams are also very important. These can reveal health issues early on, when treatment is often easiest and most effective. You’ll also need to watch for signs of sickness. Cats usually instinctively try to mask signs of illness, so your furry pal could be quite sick before you notice anything amiss.


Did you know that more than half of domestic cats are obese? Fluffy will still be adorable if she’s overweight, but those extra pounds are very detrimental to her health. If your furball is turning into a butterball, talk to your vet.

Unsafe Environments

Never underestimate Fluffy’s capacity for mischief! Petproofing will go a long way towards preventing mishaps. This is especially important with kittens. Baby cats are tiny, adorable tornadoes of mischief! Ask your vet for specific advice.

Letting Kitty Wander

Fluffy clearly thinks of herself as a little lion, and she does enjoy getting outdoors and exploring. However, she will be much safer inside. Furballs that go outdoors face some very serious hazards, such as cars, weather, and wild animals.


Cats can be purrfectly content as only pets, but many enjoy having buddies. However, our feline pals can and do squabble with their roommates. One of the most common reasons for kitty conflicts is a lack of resources. Make sure you have more than enough beds, toys, dishes, and litterboxes to go around, so your pets don’t have to compete.

Lack Of Stimulation

Kitties are undeniably lazy, but they do still need entertainment and enrichment. Fluffy should have toys that she can use alone, as well as some that you can use together for interactive play. Your pet will also appreciate a comfy window seat with a good view. Is your feline buddy due for an exam? Contact All About Animals Veterinary Services, serving the Villa Rica, GA, area, anytime!

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